Tuesday, August 5, 2008

101 in 1001

I just discovered this, although it's been around for a long time. I finally completed my own list, and I intend to blog about it here. From what I can see, most people give it up pretty early. I will probably be like all of them. But my initial intentions are good! Here's my list:

101 Things to do in 1001 Days Started 8/3/08 (by Sunday 5/1/2011)

New house goals
1. Fix the closet/pantry thing in the boys room
2. Get curtains for Hank & Ty’s room
3. pump for the well
4. get the cistern lined or find another solution to water problem
5. get a strawberry pot for herbs (and plant herbs)
6. get 2 fruit trees for backyard (2/2)
7. get blackberry bushes
8. get laying chickens
9. get goats
10. start a veggie garden
11. hang flag
12. organize stash downstairs
13. find a good organizational system for tupperware

14. sort out the mess of boy clothes
15. paint and distress the new high chair
16. get all boxes out of our living area at least
17. paint and decorate the play room

Money goals
18. buy ½ a beef (or ¼?) 1/2 a hog count??
19. trim grocery budget to $250/month hahahahaha!!! Didn't account for crazy inflation.
20. can 4 types of jam/jelly (4/4)
21. put $2000/yr in acct for danny’s new car

Fun goals
22. Go on a real vacation!!
23. Read 10 books (10/10)
24. get a German Shepherd pup
25. buy and use a digital camera
26. visit another ballpark (not GABP)
27. get my concealed carry permit
28. watch Joe Dirt
29. read at least one Ann Coulter book
30. enter 10 sweepstakes (0/10)
31. send postcard to Postsecret
32. visit 2 local wineries (2/2)
33. have a housewarming
34. go to concert w/ Danny
35. go to concert w/ Emily VD
36. wear jewelry once a month (1/33)
37. go to the symphony
38. decorate for Halloween (1/3)
39. decorate for Christmas—beyond a tree (0/3)
40. go to the Air Force museum
41. complete a crossword puzzle correctly on paper
42. see The Dark Knight
43. try lobster
44. play my flute two times per year (sad, I know) (1/6)
45. cross-stitch something
46. have a candlelight dinner
47. watch all still-sealed-after-owning-it-for-6-years DVDs
48. get a cute haircut (it will grow back)
49. make a scrapbook of some sort
50. hear Jack’s band play (if not possible, other live music will do)
51. do the 26 things project
52. celebrate turning 30 with a big bang (instead of sleeping all day)
53. get a cute new purse at least once per year (1/3)
54. write a fan letter
55. enter 10 sweepstakes just for the heck of it (0/10) double?
56. crochet a scarf no matter how sad the end product looks

Just do it goals
57. complete a skin care regimin for one week
58. go one month with no fastfood
59. figure out how to use the Clermont Co. Public Library pages
60. complete my Christmas shopping by October (once!)
61. eat on the right side of my mouth
62. attend some sort of Bethel celebration
63. find the Bethel post office
64. go to bed at 10:30 every night for a week

Family goals
65. go on one date per month (1/33)
66. have a baby :)
67. day trip w/ Emily VD
68. put together a rockin’ (aka “cool”) baby basket for Jacob & Korinn
69. take kids to the drive in
70. take kids to the zoo
71. family portrait
72. teach Hank and Ty their ABCs
73. make a picture calendar using pics of the kids appropriate for each month
74. take the boys to the water park
75. take the boys to a “Live” show (like Sesame Street on ice or something)
76. babysit for Jacob & Korinn
77. surprise mom and dad w/ something nice (not money, but doing something)
78. finish Aunt Peg’s book (if I can still find it…)
79. take the kids on a playdate at least 2 times per month (Jaden, Ti Ti, etc.) (6/66)
80. play mini-golf with Danny &/or the kids
81. catch up the boys’ baby books
82. video six random days of the kids just playing (0/6)
83. take Natural Family Planning classes
84. find a good doctor
85. add 3 new ideas for the boys’ lunch (0/3)

Good person goals
86. send three care packages at anysoldier.com (0/3)
87. send postcards to my friends and fam to make them smile (0/8)
88. pay for the person behind me at Starbucks
89. go to confession
90. transfer membership to St. Peter’s
91. convince boys to donate 5 toys to charity (1/5)
92. volunteer for something at church, however small
93. donate my bridesmaids dresses
94. suck it up and vote for a presidential candidate (write in candidate acceptable)
95. watch one football game without purposfully annoying all the men I can
96. update our voter registry info

Avon goals
97. Make $50/month on Avon
98. respond to all Avon contacts within 24 hours (Monday for weekends)
99. blog about Avon at least weekly

101 goals
100. take a picture of my accomplishments and blog about them (12/101)
101. celebrate completing all of this stuff!

1 comment:

newguybrewing said...

That last one is kind of a cop out don't you think?